Dryden, John – An Essay on Dramatic Poesy
An Essay on Dramatic Poesy - An analysis of Dryden's major ideas about dramatic criticism in Dramatic Poesy: Ancients vs. Moderns, dramatic unity, and Shakespeare and Jonson.
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August 9th, 2012 - 22:14
Great Lecture tool. Useful for researchers and students. Would post the link for literary discussion on http://akademia-channel.co.cc OR http://akademia.wall.fm
August 10th, 2012 - 09:43
Dear Dr. Kulkarni:
Thank you for your compliments on my website. I am happy that you found it useful for lecturers, researchers, and students.
As for your suggestion, I am considering adding the handouts on literatry terms which I developed and distributed to my students during my years as a professor of English. They cover fiction, poetry, drama, and the literary essay. In the present handouts, I have tried to define literary terms as needed, but I agree with you separate handouts would be better.
I visited India twice when I was teaching overseas, going to Goa and Kerala, of course flying in through what was known as Bombay (now Mumbai) in the 1990s. Goa truly is “paradise” on earth, and I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Kerala. I am glad that I traveled when I was younger since now (in retirement) I consider that I’m taking a “long trip” if I walk from my computer to the refrigerator.
Again, thanks for your suggestion and the nice comments you made about my website, which has proven far more popular than I ever imagined (25,000 visitors). My handouts on Dryden have particularly been popular, even thought my specialty is Modern Poetry. (My Ph.D dissertation was on W. B. Yeats.)
I welcome any other suggestions you might have which would improve the website. Your emails indicate what an excellent scholar and teacher you are; thus I will be attentive to any recommendations from you.
Best regards,
Dr. Tarvin
August 9th, 2012 - 22:09
Detailed textual analysis and explanation of the terms, if incorporated into the website, would help more to the undergraduates in the comprehension of difficult critical concepts such as the ideas of John Dryden on Poetry and Drama. Recommending anyway the website to my students for further study on the literary topic – especially of critics and their critical theories.
Dr Prafull D Kulkarni
Assist. Professor of English
August 9th, 2012 - 22:04
Wonderful Handout – And a very good guide for the students and the tutors alike. Would certainly love to use them as my classroom lecture aid.
Thank you very much for the painstaking work that provides an insight into the work of great authors and facilitate an easy reading/understanding of their literary concepts.
Dr Prafull D Kulkarni
Assist. Professor of English