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Middle English Period

Middle English Period - Handout on the Middle England Period, which include Anglo-Norman England(1066-1307), the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century.
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British Literature

The following handouts discuss aspects of the literary works of major British writers. Also certain European writers who influenced British Literature will be discussed. Click the letter of the last name of the author, which will direct you to the titles of her or his works.  There click the underlined title of the work you seek.  This will open the desired handout in Word.

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I would appreciate your comments on my analyses of these writers and their works. Click here to make your comments. The Leave a Comment Box appears after the comments by other users. Thank you.


Auden, W. H.

"Musée Des Beaux Arts" & "In Memory of W. B. Yeats" - An analysis of the theme, structure and style of "Musée" and "Yeats."

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Behn, Aphra

Oroonoko - A lengthy analysis of the genre, structure, themes, and characters of Oroonoko.

Boswell, James

See Johnson, Samuel for a discussion of Boswell's Life of Johnson.

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Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Biographia Literaria *- An analysis of Coleridge's major ideas about literary criticism in Biographia.

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Donne, John

John Donne's Poetry - An analysis of the metaphysical aspects of Donne's poetry and the following works: "Song: Go and Catch a Falling Star," "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning," "Death, Be Not Proud," and "Meditation 17."

Dryden, John

Dryden: Introduction - An overview of Dryden's life, poetic themes, and stylistic characteristics.

"Absalom and Achitophel" - An analysis of the background, themes, structure, characters, and literary characteristics of Dryden's "Absalom."

 An Essay on Dramatic Poesy *- An analysis of Dryden's major ideas about dramatic criticism in Dramatic Poesy:  Ancients vs. Moderns, dramatic unity, and Shakespeare and Jonson.

"Mac Flecknoe" *- An analysis of the themes, the structure, and the imagery of "Mac Flecknoe."

"A Song for St. Cecilia's Day" * - An analysis of the theme and structure of "St. Cecilia's Day."

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Eliot, T. S.

"Tradition and Individual Talent"- An analysis of Eliot's major ideas about literary criticism.

Elizabethan Literature: Introduction to Marlowe and Shakespeare

Elizabethan Literature * - An overview of Elizabethan England and breif analysis of Marlowe and Shakespeare's Sonnets.

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Hardy, Thomas

"The Darkling Thrush" - A brief analysis of the theme and structure of "Thrush."

Heaney, Seamus

"Digging" - An analysis of the theme and structure of "Digging."

Hopkins, Gerard Manley

"God's Grandeur" & "Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord" - An analysis of the stylistic characteristics of Hopkins' poetry and of "God's Grandeur" and "Thou Art Indeed."

Housman, A. E.

"Loveliest of Trees," "When I Was One-and-Twenty," & "Eight O'Clock"- An analysis of the themes and structure of "Loveliest," "One-and-Twenty," and "Eight O'Clock."

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Johnson, Samuel

The Dictionary of the English Language - An analysis of Johnson's "Preface" to his Dictionary, of Boswell's Life of Johnson, and Johnson's "Letter to Chesterfield."

"Preface to Shakespeare" *- An analysis of Johnson's major ideas about dramatic criticism in "Preface to Shakespeare."

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Kafka, Franz

"The Metamorphosis" - An analysis of the theme, structure, characters, and symbolism of "The Metamorphosis" by the major Czech writer whose stories influenced British Literature.

Keats, John

"Letters on Poetry" - An analysis of Keats's critical ideas about poetry as gleaned from his letters.

"Ode on a Grecian Urn"- Keats's "Ode" analyzed in Cleanth Brooks's essay "Keats's Sylvan Historian."

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Larkin, Philip

"Church Going" - An analysis of the theme, structure, and stylistic aspects of "Church Going."

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Middle English Period

Middle English Period *- Handout on the Middle England Period, which include Anglo-Norman England(1066-1307), the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century."

Middle English Poets

Middle English Lyrics and Ballads - An analysis of the themes and structure of "The Cuckoo Song," "Western Wind," "I Am of Ireland," "Lord Randall," "Bonny Barbara Allan," and "Sir Patrick Spens."

Milton, John

Life and Poetic Characteristics - An analysis of the three periods of Milton's life and of the major characteristics of his literary works.

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Neoclassical Period

Neoclassicism In British Literature:Restoration and First Half of 18th Century *- Analysis of the political, intellectual, and literary background of Neoclassical period in British Literature."

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Owen, Wilfred

"Dulce et Decorum Est" - An analysis of the theme, structure, and imagery of "Dulce et Decorum Est."

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Pope, Alexander

Life and Poetic Style - An analysis of Pope's life and stylistic aspects of his poetry.

The Dunciad - Analysis of Book 4 of The Dunciad.

"Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot"- An analysis of Pope's "Arbuthnot" epistle.

 An Essay of Man - An explication of Epistle 2, Lines 1-18 of Pope's An Essay of Man.

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Restoration and Neoclassicism Writers

Overview - An overview of the political and social background of Restoration and Neoclassicism writers and their literary principles.

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Seventeenth Century

17TH Century *- A brief analysis of the major political, scientific, and literary aspects of 17th century British Literature.

Shakespeare, William

Shakespeare's Life - An analysis of the major events of Shakespeare's life and of his theatrical and literary career.

Hamlet - Analysis of the themes, structure, Hamlet's madness, his procrastination, his idealism, and his soliloquies.

King Lear - Analysis of the structure, themes, characters, and imagery of "King Lear."

Macbeth - Analysis of the structure, themes, and characters of "Macbeth."

Othello - Analysis of the structure, themes, and imagery of "Othello."

Shakespeare's Sonnets - Analysis of the themes and structure of Shakespeare's sonnets.

Shakespearean Tragedy - Major characteristics of Shakespearean tragedy.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

A Defence of Poetry * - An analysis of Shelley's major ideas about poetry in his Defence.

Sidney, Philip

An Apology for Poetry *- An analysis of the major critical ideas about literature in Sidney's Apology.

Sixteenth Century

16TH Century *- Handout on 16th Century England, the Renaissance, the Reformation and nationalism under Elizabeth I.

Smith, Stevie

"Not Waving But Drowning" - An analysis of the theme, structure, and stylistic devices of "Not Waving."

Soyinka, Wole

"Telephone Conversation" - An analysis of the theme, structure, and imagery of the Nigerian writer's "Telephone."

Swift, Jonathan

Life, Philosophy, and Literary Style - An analysis of Swift's life, philosophy, literary style, "Battle of the Books," Tale of a Tub, and "Patridge" pamphlets.

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Thomas, Dylan

"The Force That through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower," "Fern Hill," & "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" - An analysis of the theme, structure, and imagery of "The Force," "Fern Hill," and "Do Not Go Gentle."

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Woolf, Virginia

"Shakespeare's Sister" - An analysis of the major critical ideas in "Shakespeare's Sister."

Wordsworth, William

"Preface to Lyrical Ballads" *- An analysis of the major critical ideas about poetry in Wordsworth's "Preface."

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Yeats, William Butler

Yeats 1 "Easter 1916," "The Wild Swans at Coole," "The Second Coming," "Leda and the Swans," "Sailing to Byzantium," & "Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop" - An analysis of the theme, structure, philosophical background, and stylistic devices in "Easter," "Wild Swans," "Second Coming," "Leda," "Sailing," & "Crazy Jane Talks."

Yeat 2 "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," "When You Are Old," & "Among School Children"- Lengthier comments on the Yeats 1 handout and analyses of three other poems, "Innisfree," "When You Are Old," and "Among School Children."

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